Privacy Policy

Digital Document Solutions Group Pty Ltd ABN: 43 083 841 007

Digital Document Solutions Group Pty Ltd ("DDS Group," "we," "us," or "our") respects the privacy of individuals and is committed to protecting the personal information we collect, use, disclose, and hold. This Privacy Policy outlines how we manage your personal information in accordance with the Privacy Act 1988 (Cth) and the Australian Privacy Principles (APPs).


This Privacy Policy is prepared with regard to our obligations under the Privacy Act 1988 (Cth) (including the Australian Privacy Principles (APPs)). Nothing in this Privacy Policy changes or alters our existing obligations under the Privacy Act.

This Privacy Policy:

  • Seeks to safeguard the privacy of your personal information by observing the APPs contained in the Privacy Act. Any personal information collected by us will be dealt with in accordance with this Privacy Policy.
  • Sets out the manner and approach we will take in relation to using your personal information.
  • Includes information about how we will collect, use, disclose, and keep secure your personal information.
  • Explains how we make the personal information we hold available for access and correction by its users.

In addition to this Privacy Policy, we may have specific and additional privacy provisions which apply to certain transactions, activities, or promotions we may enter into with you. In the event of any inconsistency between this Privacy Policy and those specific and additional provisions, the latter will prevail.

This Privacy Policy (and our specific and additional privacy provisions) may be amended by DDS Group from time to time.


2.1 What does “personal information” mean?

Personal information is any information about you that identifies you or by which your identity may be reasonably determined.

2.2 How do we collect your personal information?

We may collect your personal information in various ways, including:

  • Information provided when you complete our order forms, agreements, or other documents, including any supporting documents you may provide in support of an application to contract with us or that we may require to establish your creditworthiness.
  • Information provided by your agent by other means, including via email, phone, fax, or post.
  • Information obtained from credit agencies.
  • Information provided directly by you by any means, including via email, phone, fax, or post.
  • Information provided by you to our affiliates or subcontractors.

When you visit our website, we may record anonymous information about visitors, such as the date, time, and duration of visits and the pages most commonly accessed. We may use “cookies” to track the websites browsed by a person and customize website information to that person’s requirements and interests. You may be able to adjust your internet browser to disable cookies, but doing so may affect your ability to access some areas of our website.

2.3 What type of personal information do we collect?

The types of personal information we may collect depend on the purpose for which we require it but may include:

  • Full name
  • Contact details
  • Address
  • Preferences with regards to our products and services
  • Any other information required to provide our services or sell our products to you or other customers.

2.4 Notification

If reasonably possible and unless it is obvious when we collect the information, we will notify you of the collection of your personal information and explain why we are collecting it and how we plan to use it.

2.5 Why do we collect your personal information?

The purpose of collecting your personal information is to:

  • Provide our usual services.
  • Sell our range of products to you or other customers.
  • Identify the services or products that you may be interested in.
  • Contact you where necessary.


3.1 How do we use your personal information?

We may use your personal information to:

  • Provide our usual services.
  • Sell our range of products to you or other customers.
  • Market our products and services to you.
  • Identify the services or products that you may be interested in.
  • Identify a suitable partner with whom we may collaborate to provide our services or sell our products.
  • Contact you where necessary.

3.2 Who will we disclose your personal information to?

By providing your personal information to us either directly or via your agent, you authorize us to disclose your personal information to your agent, your guarantors, our financiers, our service providers, our contractors, and our affiliates.

When we disclose your personal information at your or your agent's request or consent to other parties related to the primary purpose for collecting your information (that is, to supply you with our products and services), we will do so in accordance with this Privacy Policy.

In addition to disclosing personal information necessary for the functions of DDS Group, we may disclose your personal information to comply with legal obligations, in connection with any legal proceedings or prospective legal proceedings, and to establish, exercise, or defend our legal rights.

We will not use personal information for another purpose unless:

  • You have consented to a secondary use or disclosure.
  • You would reasonably expect us to use or disclose your personal information for the secondary purpose that is related to the primary purpose.
  • It is to conform with legal requirements or to comply with legal process served upon us.
  • It is to fulfil a permitted general situation or health situation under the Privacy Act.
  • It is to investigate, prevent, or take action regarding illegal activities, suspected fraud, or violations of the terms and conditions of using our products, services, or website.

3.3 Direct Marketing

We may use your personal information for direct marketing and for purposes set out in clause 3.1, even where it is impracticable for us to obtain your prior written consent. We will provide an express option for you to decline receiving further marketing communications from us. We will only send you promotional emails if you have elected to receive them or if they are in response to an email we have received from you.


We take data security very seriously and will take all reasonable precautions to safeguard personal information that is held by us, either on file or on computer, from loss, misuse, unauthorized access, modification, or unauthorized disclosure.

Our security measures include:

  • External and internal premises security.
  • Confidentiality agreements with employees.
  • Computer firewall protection.
  • Restricted access to personal files and information.
  • Data encryption for all transfer and storage of data.
  • Up-to-date technology and computer maintenance to prevent unauthorized access.
  • Document handling and shredding procedures for personal information.
  • Limited access to personal information.

However, as the internet is not a secure environment, any information you send us via that method is sent at your own risk. Our website may contain links to other websites, and we are not responsible for the content or privacy practices of those sites.

We will take reasonable steps to destroy or permanently de-identify personal information if it is no longer needed for any legitimate purpose, except where the information is contained in a Commonwealth record or where we are required by law or a court/tribunal order to retain the information.

We are not responsible for the privacy policies, practices, or breaches by any third parties to whom personal information may be disclosed, including your agent, partners, or affiliates.


Information we collect will not be stored or processed in any other country.


We will update our Privacy Policy from time to time. When we change our policy, we will advise you and provide a link to an electronic copy on our website or a hardcopy for you to access.


We will take reasonable steps to ensure the personal information we hold is accurate, complete, and up to date. If you think any information we hold about you is inaccurate or if your personal information has changed, please inform us.

If you wish to know what personal information we hold about you, for what purposes it is held, and how we collect, hold, use, and disclose it, please contact us at and advise us of what information you require. We will handle all requests for access to personal information as quickly as possible.

We may charge an access fee to cover the costs of supplying personal information to you. When you access your personal information, we will require you to sign a document witnessed by a JP, Lawyer, or similar authorized person validating your identity and stating that you have accessed your information.

We retain the right to deny access to personal information where the information may relate to existing or anticipated legal proceedings between you and us or where access may be regarded as frivolous or vexatious. If we deny you access to your personal information, reasons for that denial will be provided.


If you believe that we have wrongfully disclosed your personal information or breached this privacy policy, you may lodge a complaint with us by contacting us at . If you are not satisfied with our response, you may contact the Federal Privacy Commissioner by phoning

 1300 174 277 or writing to the Director of Complaints, Office of the Federal Privacy Commissioner, GPO Box 5218, Sydney NSW 1042.

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